Developer homepage
Last updated
Last updated
The developer homepage in Cortex surfaces what you own, what you have access to, and what needs your attention. It allows you to centralize your work onto one page and take action on your highest priority tasks.
The dev homepage gives you visibility into:
Your action items from Scorecards and Initiatives
You can also pin plugins to the top of your dev homepage.
Near the top of the page, individual action items show you what needs your attention the most.
The items surfaced here are determined using the Cortex recommendation engine. The recommendation engine promotes quick wins within your Scorecards and Initiatives. For example, it might highlight that an entity has one rule remaining to achieve the next level.
The recommendations promoted here will change over time as you make progress on your goals and as the recommendation engine is optimized.
If your organization has an on-call integration configured (PagerDuty or Opsgenie) you will also see that information here:
Cortex uses your email address to determine your upcoming or current on-call status. If you do not see your expected on-call information, verify that your identity mappings are configured properly.
On-call information from PagerDuty is refreshed every 60 minutes. Information from Opsgenie is refreshed every minute.
You can pin plugins to the top of the dev homepage in your workspace:
To configure this:
Navigate to Settings > Plugins.
Under the Homepage tab, select which plugins you want to appear on the homepage.
At the bottom of the page, click Save changes.
The My catalog tab is driven by entity ownership, and displays all of your owned entities. The list can be filtered by AWS account ID or region, domains, entity type, groups, or teams.
To get a high-level view of entity health, you can add columns to view Incidents and Health.
Incident information is pulled from FireHydrant, PagerDuty, and Rootly. Health information is pulled from Datadog and New Relic. Read more about the Health and Incident columns in the Managing entities documentation.
You can also choose whether to include archived entities in your view, and whether to add the Actions column.
To adjust the display:
At the top of the list, click Display.
If you want to show archived entities, enable the toggle next to Show archived.
Click the columns you want to include.
Click Done.
Bitbucket in the dev homepage is in closed beta. Please reach out to your Cortex Customer Success Manager for access.
Under the My open PRs or MRs tab, you can view all pull requests or merge requests you opened, across any git providers you have integrated with your Cortex workspace: Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab.
Next to each PR or MR, view the repository, associated entity, status, and last updated date. These are not tied to an entity in Cortex, but are linked to a specific Cortex/git user account.
Cortex refreshes pull requests from GitHub and GitLab every 2 minutes. Pull requests from Azure DevOps and Bitbucket are refreshed every 5 minutes.
Configure identity mapping for git providers
The git features in Cortex use identity mapping to connect you to your user account in your git provider. Entities use the email address associated with your Cortex account and your git account to connect your Cortex profile with a git user and team.
Make sure you have properly configured identity mapping to ensure that your git requests appear in the dev homepage.
At the top of the list, click Display.
If you want to display draft MRs or PRs, enable the toggle next to Show drafts.
If you want to display MRs or PRs older than a month, enable the toggle next to Show older than a month.
Click Done.
Under the Assigned reviews tab, view all the pull requests that have been assigned to you for review. Any PRs that have been assigned to you directly or to a team that you belong to will appear here.
Next to each PR or MR, view the repository, associated entity, status, open date, last updated date, and how many reviewers are assigned. Cortex also automatically add tags to pull requests to signify PRs that need a Quick review
or that involve a more Complex review
for convenience.
These are not tied to an entity in Cortex, but are linked to a specific Cortex/git user account.
The Issues tab includes Jira tickets, GitHub issues, ClickUp issues, or Azure work items that are associated with your email address.
Cortex runs a JQL query against your Jira instance to populate tickets that have been assigned to your associated account.
Cortex refreshes issues from Jira every 5 minutes, GitHub every 2 minutes, ClickUp every 5 minutes, and Azure DevOps every 5 minutes. You can also click Refresh issues in the upper right corner of the list to manually refresh issues.
In addition to the insights along the top of the page, you can also view a list of action items under the Action items tab. In this tab, view the entity, the rule that needs attention, the Scorecard or initiative that contains the rule, its due date, and the priority (based on the level configured in the Scorecard):
Tasks with deadlines are sourced from Initiatives; those without deadlines are sourced from failing Scorecard rules.
The Pending verifications tab lists all data verifications that require your attention. This tab will only be visible when there are active data verification requests.
The columns highlighted in purple will be included.