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Some organizations have unique use cases for tools, work with third parties that Cortex does not have an integration with, or need to pull in data from internal systems. For these uses, Cortex offers the ability to build a plugin.
Plugin code is stored as a single HTML file, which is injected into an iframe inside Cortex. To access external APIs and bypass CORS restrictions, Cortex provides plugins access to plugin proxies. Plugin proxies can be configured to enhance requests to designated URL prefixes with headers, including rules that have access to secrets. Cortex also provides plugins basic contextual information about where the plugin is running inside of the app.
Click Plugins from the main nav to view your organization's plugins.
On the plugins page, you can filter by global context or entity context plugins.
Global plugins can be configured to appear in the main nav and as a tab on the dev homepage.
Entity plugins appear in entity details pages.
Users with the Configure plugin appearance
permission can configure where plugins appear. See Customizing your workspace for more information.
You can quickly spin up a new plugin repository using the Scaffolder tool. The repository includes React + TypeScript, linting and formatting (via eslint + prettier), testing (via testing-library), and compilation to a single HTML file (via webpack). Additionally, it comes with our core plugin library (@cortexapps/plugin-core
) pre-installed, which provides access to context, proxy usage, and UI components.
For instructions on creating a plugin, see Creating a plugin.
If the Plugin Marketplace is not in your Cortex instance, please contact the Cortex Customer Engineering team.
You can install an existing plugin from the Cortex Plugin Marketplace.
Click Plugins from the main nav of Cortex, then click the Marketplace tab.
Click the plugin you want to install.
Click Install.
A popup will appear including a link to post-installation instructions.
The following plugins are available in the Plugin Marketplace:
PagerDuty incidents: View an entity's recent open and resolved PagerDuty incidents, escalation policies, and responders.
Confluence: View Confluence assets associated with an entity.
ServiceNow incidents: Display ServiceNow incidents filed against a given entity.
SonarQube issues: View and comment on SonarQube issues associated with an entity.
Cloud Forecast: Show current highlights from CloudForecast reports in your Cortex entities, and link back to the full report in CloudForecast.
Click a tile to view more information about the plugin, including the developer, version, last updated date, and links to documentation.