Onboarding management
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The Onboarding management tool allows you to stay informed about onboarding status for users in Cortex.
Users with the View Onboarding management
permission can see the onboarding management tool. Users with the Enable Onboarding management
permission can message users directly from this page to remind them to complete onboarding for logging in to your organization's Cortex instance.
To access onboarding management, navigate to Tools > Onboarding. Here you can view a list of teams and the number of team members who have onboarded. The tool also includes a progress bar so you can see the overall percentage of users who have been onboarded.
Users will have one of four different statuses on this page:
Not connected
: Does not have their identity mapped from an external account.
: Has been sent a message for onboarding.
New user
: Has identity mapped from an external account, but has not yet logged in to Cortex.
: Has completed onboarding.
If a user's onboarding status is Not connected
, users with the Configure identity mappings
permission can map the user's identity to an external account:
Slack: Navigate to the Slack Identity mappings page in your Cortex settings.
Microsoft Teams: Navigate to the Microsoft Teams identity mappings page in your Cortex settings.
From this identity mapping page, you can select a mapping from the dropdown menu for each user, as well as see and edit mapped users.
On this page, you can message team members who haven’t onboarded. The supported messaging methods are Slack and Microsoft Teams.
You must have the Enable Onboarding management
permission to message users on this page.
On the onboarding management page, in the row displaying the user, click Message user:
Optionally include a custom message, and review the message preview on the right side of the modal.
Click Send message.
If multiple members of the same team have not completed onboarding, you can message the team.
You must have the Enable Onboarding management
permission to message users on this page.
In the row for the team, click Message team.
In the modal, expand "Message details" to view which users the message will be sent to.
Optionally include a custom message, and review the message preview on the right side of the modal.
Click Send message.