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Domains offer a way to group entities into hierarchical units. You can group by product area, functionality, systems, business units, or something unique to your organization. With this feature, you can cluster entities into a single, hierarchical domain that can include both parents and children.
You can define a list of other entities as children for a domain, allowing you to represent a hierarchy of how your entities are modeled across your workspace. This hierarchy is available to view in the Domains catalog, on a domain entity's details page, and in the . The domain hierarchy can also be used to configure ownership inheritance, helping you keep track of ownership in case of personnel changes at your organization.
You can view all domains under Catalogs > Domains.
To display domains in a hierarchy:
Click Display at the top of the domains list.
Click Done.
In the entity's side bar, click Relationships, then click the Hierachy tab.
You can create domains:
By importing them from a connected integration
Manually in the Cortex UI
For simplicity, we recommend adding the highest-level domain first and then selecting it as the parent for subsequent domains. However, you can add parents and children to any domain at any point.
You can import domains directly from third-party integrations:
In Cortex, navigate to Catalogs > All entities, then click Import entities.
Select the integration to import from.
If you have a large volume of entites, click Filter in the upper right corner of the results list to select and apply entity type filters.
At the bottom of the page, click Next step.
Edit the details for the entity:
Type: Select Domain.
Entity name: Enter a human readable name.
Identifier: This field is auto-populated based on your entity name. It is a unique identifier for your entity. This is also known as the x-cortex-tag
Description: Enter a description of the entity to help others understand its purpose.
When adding an owner, you can also configure one of the following inheritance options:
Append: Select this option to add your entity as an additional owner to all of its child entities.
Fallback: Select this option to add your entity as an owner to child entities if the child entity has no other valid owners.
None: Select this option if you do not want to configure inheritance. The owner will own the domain you are creating, but will not be configured as an appended or a fallback owner.
On-call: Configure on-call information.
Repository: Select the repository associated with this entity.
When you are finished, click Confirm import at the bottom of the page.
Click Confirm import.
It is possible to edit entities after creating them:
Navigate to the entity's page.
In the upper right corner, click Configure entity.
Make any desired changes.
Note: The only field you cannot edit is the identifier.
At the bottom of the screen, click Save changes.
Enable to toggle next to Display hierarchy.
You can also view the hierarchy for a given domain on its . If the domain has parents or children, those will appear on the Relationships page.
At the top of the domain, click View in domains tree to visualize your domain hierarchy in the .
Via the entity descriptor YAML through
Via the
Choose Import discovered entities.
On the following page, after the integration sync is complete, a list of entities from the integration are displayed. Check the boxes next to any entities you want to import.
Groups: Optionally select your entity.
Owners: Define ownership for your entity. We recommend selecting team owners to keep your ownership information up-to-date through any future personnel changes. You may see owners that Cortex . You can accept or reject the recommendations.
Parents and Children: Define parent and children domains. This is where you configure the hierarchy for your domain. These can be visualized in the .
If you selected more than one entity: After the first entity is configured, click the name of the next entity on the right to navigate to the detail editor for that entity.
Choose Create entities manually.
Groups: Optionally select your entity.
Parents and Children: Define parent and children domains. This is where you configure the hierarchy for your domain. These can be visualized in the .
Note: the YAML definition for a domain entity can take file names other than cortex.yaml
or cortex.yml
; see the .
You can create, update, and delete domains using the .